Inside SWT

Monday, December 11, 2006

Big news!

There's been some negativity lately on EclipseZone (shame on you) and elsewhere about Eclipse, the number one, kick-ass, couldn't-live-without, Java IDE desert topping and floor wax. Why?

Big News: Google joined Eclipse. I know some of those guys. They are smart. They hacked their way through SWT, OLE, the browser, submitted patches and found bugs. That's big news for me.

Bigger news: A Brazilian joined NetBeans. Not such big news for me, I already have two.

My advice: Don't drink the kool aid! There's stuff in there that's bad for you.



  • Hey, relax. It's all good. Of course there are negative things about Eclipse, but Google working with it isn't one of them!

    By Blogger Steve, at 11:28 AM  

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